Labeling - my favorite ways to label

I have been hard at work organizing my scrap room! Have I ever told you I LOVE to label things??? Well I do and my scrap room is my favorite place to do a labeling project. If you are a scraper you know how messy things get when your scrapping. I sometimes have to stop and clean up a bit before I can continue working on a page. 

I like to have a place for all my scrapbooking supplies and have them at my finger tips. I use several different types of storage bins to keep my supplies organized. But what good is a bin with scrapbooking supplies in them if there is no label on the outside of the bin telling me what goodies are inside. 

I have a few favorite ways to label. 

1. My favorite is Washi tape and my label maker. I use this type of labeling for file folders, but also used it in my re-organizing of my scrap room.

2. Making my own and laminating. Sometime I need a "tough" label, or a label that can get messy and would need to be wiped off. I love to make my labels in Photoshop and use all the neat fonts out there. However, for Christmas I got a Silhouette and something tells me that I will be playing with that the next time I need to make a label! 

3. My other favorite way to label is with chalkboard labels. I love to use these on containers that the contents in the container might change. I am constantly organizing. Sometimes my "OMG this is an awesome organizing idea" ends up flopping after living with the idea in action. Being able to wipe the label and write a new label makes those not so great ideas disappear!

What ways do you label? I would love for you to share your ideas. I am always looking for new ideas.

January's Focus - Organizing My Scraproom - The Details

My word this year is focus so I have been trying very hard to focus on one project at time and completing it from start to finish. So I just wanted to pop in with the details.

I am currently working on taking this mess:

and this mess:

to an organized state. There are some very visible projects and some not so visible projects involved in this re-organize of my scraproom. Here is the break down, and I will be showing you a few peeks every few days with the grand reveal at the end of the month

1. FUNCTION: now that I have lived in my scraproom for awhile I have found things I need are not where I need them. I sat in my room and really thought about what I need close to me, and what I use every so often that I didn't mind getting up for. I also thought about what is in this room that is does not need to be here.

2. CLOSET - I cannot do a California Closet at this time so I need to work within a small budget and make this storage area more efficient and organized. 

3. LABELING - it is needed all over my room!

4. PURGING - getting rid of or donating scrapbook items that I no longer use.

5. STORAGE - using all storage that I have on hand to make a more organized space.

6. UPDATING - updating my account to reflect what I have created. Updating my "scrapbook to do list" to know what pages I still need to do, what pages I need to add journaling (knowing the pages I need to create helps keep me focused). Updating my blog to reflect more of my love for scrapbooking memories.

My goal in this project is to create a space that functions for me, that shows me what I have available to create, that creates a sense of calm when I enter it, that keeps important tools at my fingertips. I am half way through this project but have a lot to go. So come on back to see my progress!

One Word 2014

Happy New Year!! 

I love starting off fresh in January thinking about everything I will accomplish in the New Year! Now I am not one who sets resolutions, but I have always been a goal setter. The past two years I have participated in the one word movement and have had great success with it. My first year I choose the word CHANGE and you can read about it here. Last year I choose the word ORGANIZE.

To reflect on my one word for 2013 I had two areas I wanted to organize - my home and my life. Moving into a new home required me to organize a lot. I got motivated with some help of my favorite bloggers and ended up winning fabulous prizes for my organize home. Go check out my organized playroom that won me first place. 

I also organized my life better this past year. I went back to using a planner where I actually write things down. I attempted to use a technology planner (Cozi) so I would always have it on my phone but it just wasn't working for me. I think because I am such a visual person I needed to write things down (in pretty colored pens too!). There are so many free printables for planners online. I used several printables from Jamie at DIY Home Sweet Home when I created my household binder

It was so colorful and worked out great for me. I was remembering more, staying on task more, and overall just felt more organized in keeping track of things in my life and my family's life. Organizing is a never ending word for me as I am constantly organizing, and re-organizing. 

So bring on 2014! What's my one word this year???

Yep Focus! I have so many projects on my to do list, started but not finished, and rolling around in my head but no plan for them yet. I need to focus and complete the ones I have started, plan for the ones in my head, and act on the ones on my to do list.

I have to focus more on my school, my blog, my family, and me this year. I need to focus more on staying on task, having a plan for everyday, and focus on sticking to it. 

I need to focus on not getting distracted. This will be a hard one for me because it happens all the time. I go to get one thing out of the pantry and the next thing I know I am re-organizing it because it's a mess. I need to get better at putting the "need to re-organize the pantry" on my to do list and stay focused on that days tasks! 

Do you have a one word? I would love to hear about it. Feel free to leave me a comment or link up you blog so others can be inspired by our one words.

Christmas Fun!!

Tonight I surprised the boys with a 
Christmas box of fun. 

I found the tickets HERE but they said the minivan express. Well I don't own a minivan so I opened them up in Photoshop, made a  few custom edits to personalize them, and printed them out. I then ran them through my laminator so we can use them year after year. 

After whipping up a few hot chocolate K-cups ( love these!), some marshmallows, bag of popcorn, a few cookies, and an envelope for the tickets, I put them into a Christmas box. The boys were so excited when they opened the box!! We have a house, not to far from us, that has you tune to a radio station in your car to watch the lights dance to the music. The Kotwica Express was a big hit and I can't wait to do it again! 

Merry Christmas!

Handmade Christmas Cards

This year I made my Christmas cards. I have done this before, and I love to do it, but you have to have some time on your side. I have over 50 cards that I send out! So doing the same card 50 times was just not an option for me. I knew I would get bored fast.

I found my cards at Hobby Lobby and loved that they had some chevron prints in the mix. I can never get enough chevron in my day! Then I used a mix of Cricut cartridges and cuts on Sure Cuts a Lot to make the pieces of my cards. 

Here are all the cards I made. I hope you get some inspiration from them! 

Merry Christmas!!!

Free Printable 2014 Calendar

I whipped this calendar up for myself and thought why not give it away as a freebie!! I use this calendar in my kitchen by my command center. I'm a color girl and love when things look purtty! It helps me want to stay organized when I have something pretty to write on. The new year is just around the corner so I hope this calendar will help you to organized your months ahead! Enjoy!

To download the calendar click HERE. Printable is for personal use only. You may not reproduce, sell, or market as your own. However, feel free to share with a link back to this post. Thanks!

Christmas Planner!!!

Christmas is only 48 days away! I cannot wait! Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday. I am one that puts up the trees and listens to Christmas music way too early. I just get giddy about the holiday. I am rubbing off on my kids too as they have been singing Christmas songs and keep asking when we can put the tree up.

The holidays get hectic for me. The older the kids get the more holiday events we attend. I need to be organized in order to have a stress free holiday. I have been using a Holiday Planner for 4 years now. My first year I used one from Organized Christmas. They had several different types of planners with several free printables. Year two I used some of my printables from Organized Christmas and made a few of my own. Year three I found several bloggers with free holiday printables and pick various forms that suited me, but I hated that they didn't all match or have a theme. This year I thought I would create my own based on the past three years printables. Well time was getting the best of me so I went in search of a Christmas Planner in blog land.

The angels began to sing when I visited one of my absolute favorite bloggers, A Bowl Full of Lemons!!! Toni has created the most amazing holiday planner with everything you need to stay organized this Christmas! She does charge a minimal fee for her planner but it was worth every penny spent!

My planner set-up

I print all my pages on white card stock because it is more durable then regular paper and I love to use Sharpies! The card stock prevents the bleed thru from the pens. I purchased a three ring binder, printed my cover page, and slapped it in. I was already happy!

The very next thing in my planner is my calendar. I have a calendar for November and December. The calendar helps me plan out when I am decorating, all our holiday events, when the kids are on holiday breaks and more. I downloaded my calendar from Eli Blog. You can get it here.

I just loved how they had that Subway Art feel to them.

The next item in my planner is just a 3 hole punch poly pocket to keep loose items in. I put coupons, Christmas lists, notes and more in there.  I also put two envelopes in the pocket to hold my gift receipts and shopping receipts. I even gave the front of the envelopes a Christmas feel - it makes me smile when I pull them out! I then put tabbed dividers in and used my label maker to label each tab.

Tab One:
My first tab in my planner is my shopping tab. I love how Toni's holiday shopping list is set up. There is are so many more items to purchase then just gifts at Christmas. I now have a place to jot down any new decorations I need to pick up, Christmas card items, wrapping items, and a spot for miscellaneous items to purchase. I then have her Black Friday shopping form. I usually go shopping on black Friday (more for the fun then anything) but I now have a spot to jot down the store, the item I need, the price, and the time frame to get the item. So important to stay on task on that big shopping day! I use her Gift Giving list to keep track of those non-family gifts to give - teachers, neighbors, friends.

Tab Two:
The second tab is my budget for gift buying. My husband and I sit down every Christmas and set our budget for each family member, each other, our kids and non-family gifts. This tab is huge to me. It keeps me on budget and also gives me a place to keep track of gifts bought.

Tab Three:
The third tab is lists. The My Christmas Wish List form is a great way to let people know what your number one item is, things you want versus things you need, sizes, and more. I added a gift card list for stores that I love gift cards from too. I will also punch in the list I get from others for reference.

Tab Four:
The fourth tab is my events tab. Toni has a wonderful way to keep track of all those events to take the kiddos to around the holidays. Whenever I receive an email or find an event that we might want to go to I jot it down. I missed out on a Groupon last year for an event that I would have loved to take the kids to!

Tab Five:
The fifth tab is food! Now I occasionally host a Christmas dinner, but I will be using the Holiday Menu Plan for any event that I will be hosting during the holidays. It breaks the meal down by course and I love that it gives a spot for preparation date. There are so many things you make the day or night before your event that you need to have a plan for. I also love there is a grocery list sheet too!

Tab Six:
The sixth tab is my Christmas card list. In the past I have used a list that you are able to keep track of who you sent/received cards from for 2 to 4 years. The problem I had with that is my list is always changing. I like that Toni's is a one year deal mostly because I am anal and hated messing up my list if someone moved, lost touch, divorced, or whatever the reason may be for not sending a card the next year. You know......I like things to look pretty!!

I am a planner - I always work better when I make a plan! To find out more on Toni's awesome holiday planner or to purchase it click HERE. Happy Holidays!!