Why Rodan and Fields

I have had several friends and family ask me WHY I joined Rodan and Fields. Well of course I wanted the products....I mean come on - who doesn't want to look better. I was amazed by the before and after pictures too. So why not just be a customer? I have had the itch to find an entrepreneurial business. I sold candles many, many, many moons ago. I still have 80% of my inventory just sitting in my basement (I really should burn and use my inventory). That business required me to house inventory to haul to parties, that I begged my friends and family to have, then I asked them to beg their friends and family to have parties for me. I was some what successful but something was missing......

I never jump or say yes to anything unless I know all the details. What really sold me on the business was not only the products, but not having to house inventory, have parties to make money, and social media. Social media is a powerful tool. Social media has helped me build my Teacher Pay Teacher store and connected me to so many wonderful teachers that I would have never connected with before and I love helping them in their classrooms. 

I am a teacher. I don't teacher for the money. I teach because the reward of seeing a child when their light bulb goes on, when they are so proud of themselves, and when they have gained knowledge is so rewarding. I love that I can help children get to these moments. This is what made me jump to Rodan and Fields. Not only do I get to enjoy the amazing products, but I get to help people. Help people change their skin, change their confidence, or change their income. Ok and maybe I was a little jealous of the sweet gifts my R and F friends were posting on Facebook! 

So that's my WHY. What's your why going to be when you join my team? Contact me for more information - I promise I will help you! 

Rodan and Fields!!!

 OMG! I am so stinking excited!! I recently decided to join Rodan and Fields because every teacher/blogger/TPT Seller/Mother/Wife/Girlfriend has to have great skin! I was super intrigued about the products. I was amazed by so many before and after photos and the fact that they were of people I knew!! So in my typical style...I researched, I googled, I stalked Facebook pages, and then………I JUMPED! 

I know my sponsor had no idea I was coming to her to join. We never even talked about R and F! I have been using the Redefine for only a week and the first thing I am noticing is how soft my skin feels. I can’t wait to see the changes in a few more weeks (stay tuned). I am still getting my feet wet in the business but I did not want to wait to share my story with you, and to share R and F with you. If you have ever been curious about what the hype is with R and F contact me or head on over to my website and see what regimen is right for you and JUMP!

Visit my website HERE!


My whole store is on sale from now until Saturday. Check your wish list and pick up some goodies at back to school special pricing! Click HERE to head to the store.


It's official! I am graduated! I can't believe I did it! I now hold a Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Teacher Education! Not only did I graduate but I set a goal to graduate with high honors. I received a 3.99 GPA and was accepted to Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society!

I am beyond proud of myself and happy to be setting a great example for my children. No matter what your age is your never to old to give up on your dreams!

I could not have done this without help though. My husband was my strongest supporter and road the education ups and downs with me. I thank him for being my biggest cheerleader and jumping in on taking care of our boys, our home, and daily duties while I was writing a paper for hours!

My family was also a huge help. My Mom and Aunt took my kids several times so I could study, head to the library or go take a state required test. My Dad cannot be left out either....I am pretty sure I would have never gotten an A in my math classes with out his engineering mind!

This last year has been intense with my requirements to graduate and student teaching as you can see in lack of post on the blog, but now that my school path has ended (for now) I move on to my teaching path. I can't wait to share that experience with all of you!

I have also been working on some new goodies for my store at Teacher Pay Teacher. I have already updated my free calendar for the next school year. Head on over to my store HERE to grab yours.

Make Your Masterpiece - TPT Challenge Week Three

This weeks challenge was to make something new in your store. I just finished up a 2 page layout calendar. I have always wanted to create one as I know there are many people who like the 2 page layout vs the 1 page layout. I have started this project many times but never finished. I am so happy to have this done and I hope it will help people organize their daily life. You can grab it in my store HERE!

Dare To Dream - TPT Challenge Week Two

This weeks challenge is to blog about our dreams for our TPT stores. Before I share my dreams I first  need to give you some background. I started my store less than a year ago. A friend of mine told me about the site and her store. She was making quite a bit of money her first few months. She told me I should start a store because all my forms that I create would be great to help teachers stay organized and all my digital scrapbooking skills would come in handy making cute stuff.  I was curious so I headed over to TPT to see what it was about.

I am currently 3 classes and 12 weeks of student teaching away from becoming a teacher and instantly fell in love with the sight. I also was a bit upset that I had not found the site sooner....it would have really helped inspire me to write some lessons and units for my classes.

I am a planner, list maker, organizer type of person. I work better when I am organized and when I have a plan. I find my time is wasted away if I don't have a to do list everyday. This mentality trickled over into my job (I work as a DUEA working with autistic children). I began creating forms that I would use in the classroom. The teacher I worked with loved the forms! I stated thinking about what my girlfriend said about me starting a store and jump right on in.

So now on to my goals for my TPT store. I will dream big but I need to start small with achievable goals. So my goals are simple, find a focus for my store, grow my client base, and increase my sales by 20% this year. Starting with these goals will help to reach bigger goals in the future! 

15 Simple Moves That Will Change Your Career #refinery29  http://www.refinery29.com/work-life-productivity-tips#slide1  1. Get specific about your goals and keep them visible.  Julie got into the business after realizing how chaotic her own life was. "It was chaos. I always lost things, and I lived out of piles — it was just a mess." But, when her daughter was born, she realized, "'I can do this to myself, but I can’t do it to another human being.'" That's the crux of her No. 1 tip: Always ...

TPT Challenge - Week One

I jumped on the bandwagon and joined the TPT Seller Challenge. I have a boat load on my TPT to do list and was feeling overwhelmed where I should start. Insert TPT Seller Challenge here and I have some focus! So week one was to revamp something in your store. I have already had requests about creating a 2015-2016 calendar like last years 2014-2015 calendar. So I started there, keeping in mind some of the feed back I received on it.

Here is the 2014-2015 Calendar: 

And here is the 2015-2016 Calendar:

I am happy with the way it came out. The best part is it is FREE!! So head on over and grab it HERE