Teachers Pay Teachers Site - Amazing!

Wow! I am overwhelmed with how good things are going at my Teacher Pay Teacher store! Thank you, thank you to those of you who have made purchases from me. I really hope they are going to great use in your classrooms! Your purchases are motivating me to create and design more.  I am trying to create and add more products daily between juggling work, school, and family too. If there is a specific item you would like me to create please let me know.

Haven't heard about my store yet.....go take a peek. It's a work in progress but it is coming along! 

Casual Fridays @ Teachers Pay Teachers

Here are a few items I am selling at my store:

It's Official - TPT

I am now a Teachers Pay Teachers seller. I have had so many request from teacher to create organizational forms, and have been inspired by my awesome girlfriend Laura over at Crafty Bee Creations, that I decided to give it a go. I just started with a cute colorful calendar for 2014-2015. What do you think??


I have been asked to make cute newsletters, teacher planners, calendar sets, labels, classroom jobs and the list goes on. Please send me a suggestion as I would love to create something for you. I have a lot of work to do but I am having fun and learning the ropes as I go.

Head on over to my store and take a look.

Free printable 2014-2015 Calendar

I have had so many emails to make a new calendar for 2015. Some request were from teachers to start it with the school year, others asked for one that was colorful but didn't eat up to much ink, and others asked for a fun, colorful calendar. I am still working on the fun, colorful calendar, but thought I would share the more simple one with you today. It runs from September 2014 to December 2015.
Click on the link and you can download and use what you need. Please let me know if you love it in the comments, and any suggestion for future calendars/forms you would like to see me create. 

Grab the whole calendar HERE

Printable is for personal use only. You may not reproduce, sell, or market as your own. However, feel free to share with a link back to this post. Thanks!

New Calendar for 2015!

I have had a lot of request for a new calendar freebie for 2015. I was thinking about whipping one up but wanted to get some suggestion from my followers what you would like to see in terms of colors, layout, or themes. Leave me a comment and let me know what you would like to see in my next calendar!

If you didn't see last years you can find it here

A Thank You to the Best Teachers!!

First let me say.....I can't believe my baby is done with Kindergarten tomorrow!! My other baby is done with second grade on Thursday and moving on up to third.......where does the time go?? I always like to give my son's teachers something at the end of the year just to say thank you for all their hard work throughout the year.

This year my kids' teacher were awesome, especially my youngest son's Kindergarten teacher. Trace went into a special extended day program because at the beginning of the year he was not recognizing his letters or numbers. After taking him for his Kindergarten eye exam we found out he was blind as a bat and could not see anything close up! This was part of his problem but we knew he would still need some catching up. I am happy to say he is reading and writing and knows all his letters, numbers, sight words and more. 360 turn around!!

I think this is becoming my signature gift to the teachers at the end of the year as I keep giving it but they are just so stinking cute!!

Teacher Appreciation Week

Well hello there!! Long time no blog post!! Gosh being back in school full time has become quite the juggling act, but I had to post about some super easy, inexpensive teacher appreciation gifts!! 

Last week was teacher appreciation week at my kids school. The PTO at our school decided to have the kids write a note and give a $ donation to purchase a gift card for the teacher. At last nights PTO meeting I got to see first hand how much the teacher loved their notes and gift cards. I, of course, wanted to give my kids teacher just a bit more. It didn't sit right with me that it is teacher appreciation "week" but we did not have something planned for each day of the week for them. So I did a quick search on my favorite sight Pinterest and came up with a few ideas. I came up with five small gifts to give to my son's teachers each day last week (it was super hard to narrow down all the awesome, creative ideas to 5). The best part was I was able to whip all this up for under $10.00 per teacher!!

The best teachers teach from the heart not from the book. Teacher quotes

Glue Sticks - I bought a 6 pack, split it 3 and 3, found this super cute tag, printed, and washi tape it together.

Gum - Extra Gum, cute saying, washi tape it all together

Nail Polish - nail polish (any kind), cute saying, washi tape it all together!


Crayons - 1 box of crayons, and super cute saying. Washi it all together!

Berry Lotion: 1 small tube or bottle of any type of lotion that has the word berry in it. I found strawberry at Bath and Body Works (I really need to stay out of that store!), super duper cute saying and you got it......washi tape it together. 


So I hope you have found and idea or two for your children's teachers as I think they have a pretty tough job and could use some appreciation!

Box Card

Have you seen these box cards?? They are so cute!!! I really wanted to make one but was a little intimidated to try. Wow I wish I would have tried to make one of these a lot sooner. It was super simple and so much fun. I made one with a St. Patty theme but turned it into a good luck card. 

Here is how it came out:


Paper: The Paper Studios - All Seasons Three
Good Luck Title: Create a Critter 2 from Cricut
Shamrocks: Cute Shamrock from Miss Kate Cuttables
The instructions for how to make the card: Cardz TV - How to make a box card