
Grass Buddies

Have you heard of grass buddies? They were a huge hit with my kids last year so I decided to do them again this year. They are basically a Chia Pet. They are super simple to make.

Any size flower pot/terra cotta pot
Grass seed
items to make a face

Here are our grass buddies from last year:

The kids loved to add the dirt and seed. I cut the face shapes out on my Cricut and the kids glued them on to the pot. Our grass buddies changed gender quite often. One day they were name a male name and had a buzz cut, a few days later they had a girl name and pig tales.

This year our grass buddies have just started growing and look like this:

I changed our pots/design this year for a few reasons. One the kids wanted the face to change as did their gender. Two when the kids would water their grass buddies water would spill and the paper face would get wet. Finally the pots were a little to large for me as they made a home on my kitchen counter. I think last years are cuter but the kids love being able to use the chalk on the pots and really it's about the kids and their creativity....right? LOL!

I had some extra terra cotta pots in the basement and gave them a coat of chalkboard paint. I watch our neighbors kids a few days out of the week,so I had 4 pots ready to go on grass buddy day! The kids first drew their face or art work on their pot. Then the kids added some dirt, then some seed, and then some more dirt. With a bit of water and some sunlight with in a few days the grass start grow and the kids get so excited! Once the grass get really tall the kids get to give their grass buddy a haircut (supervising little ones with scissors)! The great part about grass is it grows quick! Here is our grass buddies today (the picture above was from yesterday!).