

My whole store is on sale from now until Saturday. Check your wish list and pick up some goodies at back to school special pricing! Click HERE to head to the store.


It's official! I am graduated! I can't believe I did it! I now hold a Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Teacher Education! Not only did I graduate but I set a goal to graduate with high honors. I received a 3.99 GPA and was accepted to Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society!

I am beyond proud of myself and happy to be setting a great example for my children. No matter what your age is your never to old to give up on your dreams!

I could not have done this without help though. My husband was my strongest supporter and road the education ups and downs with me. I thank him for being my biggest cheerleader and jumping in on taking care of our boys, our home, and daily duties while I was writing a paper for hours!

My family was also a huge help. My Mom and Aunt took my kids several times so I could study, head to the library or go take a state required test. My Dad cannot be left out either....I am pretty sure I would have never gotten an A in my math classes with out his engineering mind!

This last year has been intense with my requirements to graduate and student teaching as you can see in lack of post on the blog, but now that my school path has ended (for now) I move on to my teaching path. I can't wait to share that experience with all of you!

I have also been working on some new goodies for my store at Teacher Pay Teacher. I have already updated my free calendar for the next school year. Head on over to my store HERE to grab yours.