
Recipe Binder!!

Do you ever feel like you are making the same meals over and over again? I was in this funk. We have our family favorites, our quick meals, and our "oops I forgot to thaw the meat" meals. I have been reading some of my favorite blogs for meals, searching online and looking on Pinterest. I have found some great meals and have been trying several out, but my recipe binder was in desperate need of a make-over. Plus all the new recipes I was printing out were being thrown into the cabinet.

I knew the first thing I wanted to do was find some cute, colorful binders. I scored these at Target and also picked up some new tabbed dividers. I of course had to add some Washi tape to the tabs.

While I was in my favorite office store, Office Depot, I found these 4x6 photo page protectors. I knew these would be perfect to slip my recipes in. Also several sites I have been printing recipes from have the option to print the recipe in a 4 x 6 format. It also has a narrow pocket great for those recipes you cut out of a magazine.

I broke out my label maker and labeled all the tabs for my categories. My first binder is all my main meals for dinner organized by the main meat in the recipe. My second binder (that I still have to finish) will be all my
 sides, salads, and desserts.

I began the project by going through my recipes, throwing out the ones that we did not oooh and ahhh over, or the ones that I never made, that sounded good at the time, but now don't sound that great anymore. I also trimmed them down. The pictures are nice to look at and can even encourage me but I felt I really didn't need them and they took up space. For my larger recipes I placed them on one sheet of scrapbook paper and slipped them into a full sheet page protector. I like using page protectors because if I splash while cooking they are easy to wipe off. 

I also added color dots to some recipes. Green dots meant the recipe was yummy, red dots meant the recipe required marination (I can't tell you how many times I went to make a recipe only to find out the meat needed to marinate for x amount of hours....grrr!) blue dots meant it was a kid favorite meal (those are hard to come by in my family) and yellow dots meant the recipe was a slow cooker or a long cook time recipe.

I also color coded my each section to help easily identify them. Plus I did not want to see the back of the recipes I cut out of magazines. I needed it to be neat and pretty! 

I put a pocket folder in the front to keep the recipes I have printed out but not tried. Once I try them if we like them I will find a home for them in the binder.

I hope you picked up some helpful tips on how to organize your recipes! I would love to see what you came up with and how you organize yours!

Happy Organizing!

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